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Tony Gammidge and Animated Tales
I am an Artist, Filmmaker/Animator, trainer and HCPC registered Art Therapist.
I have a particular interest in stories, and personal narrative and in the idea of embodied storymaking (stories that are made by hand as well as told).
This is reflected in my own work, in my own films, artist books and installations but also my participatory work in prisons, secure units, mental health settings and centres for asylum seekers.
I have been running these innovative animation and story projects for the last 12 years and have made over 30 films with participants in this time. Many of these films have won Koestler awards and been screened in conferences, symposiums and in galleries and museums.
The projects give participants the opportunity to make their own film and tell their own story, enabling them to take back control of their own histories. Many of the films that have been made tell of difficult and traumatic experiences. The hands-on animation process though enables these narratives to be told in a way that is safe and enpowering.
Upcoming Event
International Association of Forensic Association
Shadows, Projections and Embodied Roles
The Arts in Forensic Rehabilitation
Oxford Friends Meeting Place
Friday 14th March 9.30-16.00
This unique event will include a conversation between writer Siri Hustvedt (online from New York) and Anna Motz, animation films made in forensic settings with Tony Gammidge and a presentation on embodied roles within drama therapy by Lorna Downing. Chaired by Dr. Gwen Adshead this year's Reith Lecturer. This is primarily aimed at people working in forensic settings. Booking through the IAFP

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