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I offer mentoring and supervision in using animation and embodied storymaking in clinical settings. Working in this way in different settings is an extraordinary resource and in my experience works really well in even the most challenging environments. There are however many pitfalls and complication to working in this way. I have come across and met many of these difficulties head-on.


I have been running animation projects (both as an art therapist and artist) in Prisons, Youth Offender Units, Childrens Secure Training centres, secure units and hospitals and in asylum centres and even in 'The Jungle' in Calais for the last 12 years. So I have a unique experience to draw on in this way of working.

I have reflected on the work that I have done and written two chapters on my work, one, 'Story To Tell' in Forensic Arts Therapies, Anthology of Practice and Research (ed. Kate Rothwell, 2016) and

'Frame by Frame' in Using Image and Narrative in Therapy for Trauma, Addiction and Recovery (Ed. James D. West, 2021).

I have a particular interest in trauma and trauma theory and have come across a great deal of it in the settings I have worked. I am struck at how working with animation is such a powerful and yet safe way to explore this.

So I offer myself as a mentor to those setting up an animation project in a clinical or educational setting and supervision to those who want an experienced overview of thew work in progress.




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